Cookie Consent by WinMENTOR ENTERPRISE: ERP management, Romania accounting

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Following the requirements of the clients who asked to see what changes / corrections are to certain versions, we have added on the site WinMENTOR Enteprise a page called “Tracking changes versions”, which includes all the changes made since 01.12.2019:

In the changes table you can filter by all fields. On numeric columns, filters with “<” and “>” operators can be used (eg:> 876.01 on the Final Version column brings all the changes from versions 876.02, 876.03, 877 etc.). Multiple words can be written in the filters on the text columns (not looking for the expression but all the words individually). On the columns of the given type can be filtered by the desired date, “today” or “yesterday” (eg: 03.12.2019 or 12.2019 or 2019 or “today”).

The changes, filtered or not, can be exported in XLS format, and by double clicking on a line or the arrow to the right of the columns, the details of the respective modification are opened.

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