Cookie Consent by WinMENTOR ENTERPRISE: ERP management, Romania accounting

Any entity that carries out an economic activity consisting of the execution of works, the delivery of goods/products and/or the provision of services, which issues electronic invoices to other operators, can opt for the transmission of electronic invoices to recipients using the national system regarding the electronic invoice RO eInvoicing, under the conditions provided by GEO no. 120/2021 regarding the electronic invoice in Romania.

Starting from 01.04.2022, economic operators established in Romania are obliged to issue electronic invoices and transmit them through the eInvoicing system, for certain categories of products and services.

In WinMENTOR ENTERPRISE®, the generation of the invoice in XML format can be done directly from the output document or using the automatic XML generation option for all documents that meet the mandatory transmission conditions.

Signing and sending files can be done individually, for each individual document, or you can use the eInvoicing server (WMEFServer) created specifically to make sending invoices more efficient, without user intervention.

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