Cookie Consent by WinMENTOR ENTERPRISE: ERP management, Romania accounting

New version of WME®

A WinMENTOR ENTERPRISE® version containing D406 SAF-T is available for both Oracle BD and PostgreSQL BD users. It can be downloaded here:

Before submitting the statement, we will deliver a new version, adapted to the new validator, which will have some modifications, including corrections to problems reported by us.

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration, the Information Management Unit, told us: “As the needs for change have been greater, we are considering their implementation in the new package and as soon as we manage to set up, we will publish a new validator.” Thus, the differences between the calculated and the transmitted fields, differences that block the validation of the statement, will be treated as insignificant in a new validator.

For the time being, only the test environment is available at ANAF and, until the validations are stabilized, further updates are possible, that we will also implement.

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