Cookie Consent by WinMENTOR: ERP management, Romania accounting

Designed to accommodate the users who have developed their production activity, the module offers the possibility of assisting them in succeeding the following steps:

  • Manufacturing preparation – loading materials and labour consumption for each product;
  • Production launching – developing the domestic production and generating the monthly manufacturing program;
  • Keeping track of the actual production’s materials and labour consumption;
  • Transmitting the employees’ monthly accomplishments to the PAYROLL module in order to provide the indicators of the implicit wage achievement;
  • Post calculating the achieved monthly production according to the manufacturing schedule (labour consumption data takeover from the PAYROLL module);
  • Keeping track of the production achievement – the production-deviations at the internal order regarding the consumption of materials and manual labour, the status of keeping up with the monthly production schedule, clients’ orders achievement status, etc.


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