New versions WinMENTOR 854.01 and STATEMENTS 204.01
Changes to the new version of WinMENTOR 854.01 include the calculation of contributions for part-time and non-taxable contracts under OUG 3/2018. In the same version was introduced the possibility of specifying the debit account expenses for the contributions calculated according to OUG 3/2018 to the part-time contracts.
The details of the new version are available on our ftp, where you can download it.
New Version DECLARATIONS 204.01 includes the modifications to the D112 declaration in accordance with Order 1209/2018.
If the databases do not cover the cases provided in GEO 3/2018 (part-time contracts with minimal basis, non-taxable income or medical leave), you can stay on WinMENTOR version 853.04 and download only the new version of Statements.
The full list of the updates brought by this version is available here, and the new version kit can be downloaded here.