Cookie Consent by WinMENTOR: ERP management, Romania accounting

New versions – WinMENTOR 25.022/1 & STATEMENTS 25.021/1

WinMENTOR 25.022/1 includes two new groups of constants, a solution for fixing incomplete lists of debtor Customers, updating the parameter for sending e-Invoices to individuals, as well as various corrections regarding the import of e-Invoices from SPV.

The new version of WinMENTOR kit and explanatory documentation can be downloaded from here.


The new version of STATEMENTS 25.021/1 includes the necessary formulae to be imported for the 2024 annual balance sheet, the addition of a new type of income in D205, and the updating of the XML files related to these statements.

The new version of STATEMENTS kit and related documentation can be downloaded from here

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