Cookie Consent by WinMENTOR: ERP management, Romania accounting

New versions – WinMENTOR 22.071/1 and STATEMENTS 22.071/1

The WinMENTOR version 22.071/1 includes developments to the payroll module in accordance with GEO 67/2022 and Law 135/2022, as well as a series of corrections to the existing functionalities.

Starting with this version, the E-Invoice module is also available, a server for the automatic transmission of electronic invoices, for which it is necessary to purchase through an annex to the contract. You can download the documentation with the necessary settings from the Server_WMEFact folder that comes with the current version.

The full list of news and changes together with the new version of WinMENTOR kit can be downloaded here.


The new version of STATEMENTS 22.071/1 includes corrections to the SAF-T statement regarding the balances of the synthetic accounts for January.

Careful! Changes regarding the login to the SAF-T module make it necessary to reprogram the key compatible with this version.

The kit of the new version of STATEMENTS and the related documentation can be downloaded here.

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