Cookie Consent by WinMENTOR: ERP management, Romania accounting

New version – WinMENTOR 24.021/1

The new version WinMENTOR 24.021/1 is available and can be downloaded from here or from the Download section of the website.


ANAF keeps the XMLs only for 60 days, those older than this period will no longer be available in the SPV!

Thus, it is MANDATORY to install the new version and call at least ONCE until February 29 “Import supplier invoices from E-Fact” with retrieval of the last 60 days.

Why February 29?

The logic of the date of February 29 is given by this limit of 60:

31 days from January + 29 from February = 60 days.

In this version we have included database saving of ZIPs with XMLs imported from SPV. It is not important to generate the inputs, just to retrieve them from the SPV!

If you do not call this import in a timely manner, any invoice older than 60 days will be lost from your records. We advise you not to risk leaving this action until the end of February!

The full changes brought by WinMENTOR 24.021/1 are detailed here.

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