View Full Version : Atentie !

Gabriel Mihalcea
10 February 2010, 15:40
Primesc pe mail un mesaj de genul:


Dear Gabriel Mihalcea,

You have received a new private message at WinMENTOR Forum from BestForumTeam, entitled "Important message from the forum administration!".

To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:

This is the message that was sent:
Dear, Gabriel Mihalcea!

A virus alert was noticed on your computer.
We highly recommend you to check your computer and perform online virus check at our site immediately: http://security-tool2010.com/Gabriel Mihalcea
Forum Administration forum.winmentor.ro.

Are cineva idee ce se intampla ?


10 February 2010, 22:49
Eu cred ca e un banal spam... stergeti-l cu tupeu si traiti o viata linistita in continuare... eu asa am facut... :)
PS: puteti face cautari pe google pe tema asta, si va veti lamuri...

11 February 2010, 09:52
Pe forum incearca sa se inregistreze boti, aproape zilnic, softuri malitioare care se ocupa de spam. Problema e ca pot trimite mesaje private inainte de a primi unda verde ca utilizatori cu drepturi depline. De regula aceste conturi sunt sterse in maxim 24 ore. Voi verifica optiunile forumului.

Editare ulterioara: S-a rezolvat.

12 February 2010, 10:18
Si eu la fel, l-am primit ca mesaj privat aici, pe forum :)

Important message from the forum administration!


Dear, DragosE_WT!

A virus alert was noticed on your computer.
We highly recommend you to check your computer and perform online virus check at our site immediately: http://security-tool2010.com/DragosE_WT
If you do not pass this test* we will have to delete your account and forward a complaint to your Internet provider.
Forum Administration forum.winmentor.ro.